Welcome to General Practice Dokters van Hier!

‘Doctors from Here’, your General Practice in Heer, Maastricht.

Looking for a general practice/ gp/ physician/ arzt around you? Our team at Dokters van Hier in Heer, Maastricht is dedicated to deliver personal care to our patients.

We have many ex-pats, immigrants and foreign students amongst our patients and we welcome every nationality! We don’t speak every language, but our physicians are schooled in medical English and our team is committed to help you as good as we can. If you are looking for a patient-oriented and innovative GP in your neighbourhood, please feel free to register as a patient here.  The form is still in Dutch at the moment, but just fill out as much as you can. We will be in touch after receiving the subscription to complete the registration together.

You’ll always see a familiar face

Our practice is run by two regular doctors, Marjolijn Uitterhoeve-Prins and Eric Duinkerke. We only work with temporary physicians by exception.

Standard 15 minutes appointments

We take our time to investigate your needs or complaints. That’s why our appointments are 15 minutes, instead of the regular 10 minutes.

We co-operate with you and other paramedics

We are housed in the modern ‘Zorgplein Heer’ medical center. This enables us to co-operate with the many paramedics and the pharmacy in the building, in order to provide the best care for you. You stay in control of your treatment during the process.

We focus on quality, service and innovation

We are a certified and official ‘Plus’-Practice. Together with app. 15 other General Practices in the region we strive to make our general practice and care more sustainable, innovative, of better quality and locally focused.

Safe online possibilities

We offer online eServices for your convenience. Through your personal online environment you can easily and safely:

  • Order prescriptions for recurring medication
  • Make appointments
  • Ask medical questions (eConsults)

To subscribe to this platform, start by following this link to create an account: Patiëntenomgeving – Dokters van Hier in Maastricht (uwzorgonline.nl)

Warm regards,
Team Dokters van Hier


Maandag t/m vrijdag: 08.00 tot 17.00 uur
Buiten kantooruren: Huisartsenpost Maastricht Heuvelland


Dokters van Hier
Einsteinstraat 34 A 02

Telefoon: 043-367 1575
Spoed: 043-367 1575 (kies 1)
Recepten: 043-367 1575 (kies 2)
E-mail: doktersvanhier@ezorg.nl


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